Note: Each month, each member of our team engages in classroom style and hands-on safety training on a particular topic.
Did you know March is National Ladder Safety Month?
It’s incredibly important for ladder safety to have its own month because:
- Falls from ladders are the leading cause of deaths on construction sites.
- Most ladder deaths are from falls of 10 feet or less.
- Falls from ladders are the leading cause of ladder-related injuries, followed by using a ladder improperly, using a faulty or defective ladder, and simple carelessness.
- Each year, there are more than 164,000 emergency room treated injuries and 300 deaths in the US that are caused by falls from ladders.
Ladders can quickly become something we’re just used to using and carlessness can set in quick. That’s why we’re determined to ensure our team is always refreshed with safety guidelines when it comes to using ladders.
Training at the Branches
For optimal learning, our trainings are a combination of lecture-based and hands-on lessons. This training covered topics such as:
- What to do before using a ladder, including inspection
- Using step ladders vs. extension ladders
- Transporting ladders
- Common mistakes to avoid
The photo here shows members of our Grand Rapids Team working through propper ladder transportation protocols.

Implementing Training in the Field
As you can imagine, our team uses ladders constantly. That said, even those team members that have worked in the field for quite a while still participated in the trainings because you can never know too much or be reminded too often when it comes to ladder safety.